DHI Global Medical Group has been dedicated solely to the education research, diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp disorders for 50 years, and has helped more than 250,000+ delighted patients across 75 locations worldwide .

During these 50 years, DHI Global Medical Group has been a leader in the evolution of the hair restoration industry by setting new standards and introducing innovative techniques and medical treatments.


First DHI clinic opened in Palo Alto, USA

1980s – 90s

Expansion in Europe- Athens, London, Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt, Casablanca

2000 – 2005

Pioneered FUE Technique and Single Hair Follicle Technique

2005 – 2010

Developed Direct Hair Implantation TechniqueTM  (ISO, UK CQC Accreditations)

2010 – 2014

International Expansion- India, Dubai, Hong Kong

2014 – 2015

Awarded US and EU Patents

2015 – 2020

DHI becomes World Leader in Hair Restoration with 75 clinics across 45 countries

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