Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems worldwide. It affects about one-third of the total world population. There are a variety of factors contributing to hair loss– genetic predisposition, stress, dandruff, scalp bacteria, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances. In many cases, hair loss may be caused by a combination of these factors, but genetic pattern baldness is by far the most dominant factor, accounting for nearly 95% of all hair loss in men and affecting millions of women also.

Male pattern baldness is hereditary. The responsible gene is either inherited from the mother or father. 

Hamilton, for the first time, discovered that androgens are responsible for male pattern baldness. If the gene for hair loss is present in the blood, even a usual number of androgens is enough to trigger male pattern baldness.

In short, male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia is a hereditary condition triggered by a certain amount of androgens in the blood. The severity of hair loss is unpredictable, and it increases with age.
